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LESEN 2000 plus Rechtschreibtrainer - Privatlizenz (Download) 1.9

LESEN 2000 plus Rechtschreibtrainer - Privatlizenz (Download) 1.9

Screenshots of LESEN 2000 plus Rechtschreibtrainer - Privatlizenz (Download)

LESEN 2000 plus Rechtschreibtrainer - Privatlizenz (Download) Publisher's Description

LESEN 2000 is an educational software that makes it easy to develop listening, reading and writing skills in German. 24 fun games with hundreds of spoken and written words, puzzles, quizzes, pictures and electronic flashcards provide long-term motivation. The program is for use in schools and at home. It is suitable both for children in German-speaking countries and for kids all over the world who are learning German as a foreign language. LESEN 2000 provides exciting and useful interactive activities for students of all ages, beginners and advanced learners. All exercises are fairly self-explanatory. Learning is facilitated by carefully selected multimedia elements. Enjoy learning with recordings of native speakers. LESEN 2000 is monolingual and uses the immersion method. The game runs on any PC with Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP or Vista.

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